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- DJ Java Decompiler Free downloadJava Decompiler
The latest version is and it was updated on soft See below the changes in each version:. Download Java Decompiler. Download Rating:. Decompiler FREE Decompiler reads program binaries, decompiles them, infers data types, and emits structured C source code.
Designed with a pluggable architecture, it currently has: - support for x86, 68k, PowerPC processors partial Interactive Decompiler FREE IDC is an interactive decompiler, where the user starts with an almost literal translation of Assembly code in C language, which he progressively decompiles by the successive application of low-level refactorings, Protect your data.
Configure once and forget about it. Click stars to rate this APP! This product supports all linear barcode fonts as NET technology. As you know, programs in Visual Basic can be compiled into interpreted p-code or into DJ Java Decompiler 3. Shareware 20 Jul 4. SecureTeam Java Decompiler Understand how APIs, components, frameworks, and all the critical code you use really works by decompiling and seeing inside.
Freeware 20 Jul 1. Freeware 23 May 36 KB. Demo 19 Jun KB. Shareware 20 Jul 3. This is another such decompiler that was developed to deal with the latest features and updates in Java programming. It can easily decompile the latest Java features such as Lamdas and Switch Statement. This means if you are using Java 8, you can be at peace with yourself.
The only downside here is that this decompiler is not an open source program. However, it has a command line tool that makes the decompiling process faster and even more efficient. Apart from the decompilers mentioned above, the ones mentioned here are still in nascent stages and are under development.
Fernflower is one of those. Fren is an analytical decompiler for Java and has recently been made open sourced. The software renames all the obfuscated symbols and puts them into a JAR file in the end. FrenFlower is used to decompile. It is an interesting decompiler as it has been written in Python.
It is still in the development stage. However, it contains three tools: a decompiler and disassembler for Java class files and an assembler to create class files.
However, one major drawback here is that it does not support all Java 8 features. If you are looking out for a best Java decompiler then you can try out any of the ones mentioned above. Just download them and try them out. You could share your experience in the comments below and even if you are aware of other amazing decompilers, then you could share those two.
I would love to add it to the above list. You can also check out detailed tools section for more content. Check these 9 best offline Java decompiler which help you manage the codes and convert it as required.
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